Know more about the people who email you
with Sender Profile on Newton
Sender Profile feature image
Sender Profile in action
How it works
Get a summary of the sender, when they email you for the first time
Hit ‘Know More’ to get job title, organization, location, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter profiles
Flip the card for detailed organization info
Access Sender Profile anytime by tapping on sender’s contact picture
Newton supercharges your email
with space-age features that put you on top of the world.
No credit card required
Read Receipts
Know when your emails are read. Know more
Connected Apps
Save email content directly to your apps. Know more
Bring your emails back at a more convenient time.
Send Later
Schedule emails to be sent at the perfect time.
Works with all your email accounts
Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, Google Apps, Outlook, iCloud and all IMAP accounts

Use Newton free for 14 days. No strings attached.

Pay only if you like to continue.

We say you won’t look back.

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